Our Journey of Accelerating imployables AI Innovation: The Seedrs and Microsoft SERIES AI Accelerator 

Here at imployable, we’re all about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with technology. We are thrilled to be part of the Seedrs and Microsoft SERIES AI Accelerator—a game-changing program designed to springboard tech start-ups from Seed to Series A funding rounds. 

Throughout the accelerator, our Founder Pete and COO Marina have dived deep into advanced AI techniques; learning how to weave AI seamlessly into our tech. The webinars and meet ups have so far covered everything from machine learning algorithms to nifty data analytics. 

Beyond the tech, the accelerator has zeroed in on business strategies. We’ve taken part in workshops and one-on-one sessions with experienced mentors. Both of which have helped us fine-tune our business model, spot investment opportunities, and put together enticing value propositions. 

The accelerator has, so far, included tools and advise on fundraising as well as technical building of the AI. We know that a perfect pitch can open doors to funding. So, our mentors, with lots of start-up experience, have helped us create a pitch deck that not only wows, but also showcases our innovative potential to investors. 

At the end of the month-long accelerator is a high-energy Pitching Demo Day. We’re hoping to reach the finals and get the chance to present our game changing ed-tech solutions to an audience of top-tier venture capitalists. This includes reps from Vektor Partners and SFC.  

Joining the SERIES AI Accelerator has also meant becoming part of a vibrant and interesting community of innovators, industry leaders, and investors alongside 180 companies in total. We’ve had loads of opportunities to network – with more to come. We’ve shared questions, experiences, and built relationships that can lead to future collaborations and investments.   

Winning a place on the Accelerator has been a highlight for imployable so far. Pushing us to new heights with reputable partners and preparing us for the next big leap in our AI innovation journey. 

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